18th January 2010

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The UdL involved in setting up a cross-border renewable energy observatory
. The universities of Zaragoza and Perpignan are also taking part in this action in the European project Transversalis 
Observatori del CREA de la Universitat de Lleida
[+] AMPLIAR IMATGE The CREA researches renewable energies
Researchers at the UdL’s GREA Innovació Concurrent Research Centre and the universities of Zaragoza and Perpignan are working together to set up a cross-border renewable energy observatory that serves the regions of Catalonia, Aragon and southern France and that will be completed this year. Funding of 34,000 euros has been made available for this project, one of the seven actions undertaken by the European project Transversalis, in which the Universities of Lleida, Girona, Zaragoza, Andorra, Perpignan and Toulouse II and III are taking part, with the aim of strengthening cross-border social and economic ties in the cross-border region between France and Spain.
The head of the GREA, Lluïsa Cabeza, explained that this action had been put in place to promote the collaboration and internationalisation of businesses that worked with renewable energies in Catalonia, Aragon and southern France, as well as to encourage the widespread use of these energies. First of all, the institutions, observatories, agencies and businesses that are currently working with renewable energies will be located. Trade missions will then be organised to put businesses across the region in contact with each other. The UdL’s contribution consists of a business course to be run this summer that will focus on renewable energies.
This initiative is one of the seven actions undertaken by the European project Transversalis to strengthen cross-border social and economic ties in the region between France and Spain
In addition to this action, the University of Lleida is taking part in two more Transversalis programmes: the first of which, with 42,000 euros in funding, has been devised to create a cross-border university vocation platform, and the other, with a budget of 195,000 euros, to draw up a guide for lifelong learning professionals.

It is anticipated that as a result of this latter action, coordinated on a European level by the UdL lecturer, Sofia Isus, and the UdL Technological Springboard, the Guide will be ready by the end of 2011. To be written in Catalan, Spanish and French, the Guide, which will include guidelines on how to attain methodological, pedagogical quality teaching competencies, will also be available online.



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