11th march 2009

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UdL starts to implement its Plan for Equal Opportunities

UdL has started to implement measures scheduled in the document written by the Dolors Piera Centre for Equal Opportunities and the Promotion of Women. These measures include the revision of curricula and the teaching of courses on non-sexist language for university staff
Presentació del Pla d'Igualtat de la UdL
[+] AMPLIAR IMATGE Natàlia Sainz, Elena Fuses, Joan Viñas, Ana Romero & Mª Àngels Calero
The 1st Plan for Equal Opportunities between men and women at the University of Lleida (2008-2010) is starting to materialise. UdL has started to apply the various measures scheduled by a document written by the Dolors Piera Centre for Equal Opportunities and the Promotion of Women. These measures include revising curricula in official bachelor and master degrees and regulating the incorporation of cross-disciplinary subjects with knowledge related to the needs of women. Moreover, courses about non-sexist language and tools that include the perspective of gender will be aimed at the teaching, research and administrative / services staff.

The publication of the Plan of Equal Opportunities was presented within a framework of events programmed by UdL to commemorate the 8th March. UdL Rector Joan Viñas presided over the event and was accompanied by the Director of the Dolors Piera Centre, Professor Mª Ángeles Calero; the representative of the Women and Science Interuniversity Committee at UdL, Anna Romero; the Director of the Catalan Institute for Women in Lleida, Elena Fuses; and Natàlia Sainz, member of the regional Labour Council.

"I expect that the plan allows the University of Lleida to promote equal opportunities in a significant way so that talent is the only factor that counts", the Rector remarked. Joan Viñas highlighted the fact that there are more female than male students at UdL, while the gender pyramid continues to exist in managerial positions. Mª Ángeles Calero reminded that the University "has the challenge of ending with the inequalities that cause the invisibility of women".

La igualtat de gènere a la UdLThe UdL Plan for Equal Opportunities consists of 25 objectives and 110 measures articulated around 10 strategic lines. The Dolors Piera Centre intended these measures to start between January and March 2009 and to involve all UdL members: teaching staff, students and PAS. This document will be valid next year, at the end of which the effectiveness of the measures implemented will be estimated in relation to the situation of women in the university community. Given the case, new tools will be proposed to insist upon aspects that are supplementary, that have appeared unexpectedly, or that had not been detected initially.







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