Data proteccion

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In compliance with the personal data protection laws and regulations in force, we hereby inform you that:

- Universitat de Lleida (UdL [University of Lleida]) is the controller of personal data provided by the data subject (the contact details for the controller’s representative are: General Secretariat, Plaça de Víctor Siurana, 1, 25003 LLEIDA, Spain The contact details for the data protection officer are:

- The data will be used for purposes inherent to applying for registration, to managing the data subject’s transcript, and to ensuring the appropriate provision of teaching and other university services. Specifically, the processing purposes are:

a) Issuing the UdL card.

b) Creating e-mail and virtual campus accounts.

c)Applications for academic transcript, continuance, and registration amendment and cancellation certificates.

d) Applications for simultaneous studies and transcript transfer.

e) Applications for a degree certificate and a European diploma supplement.

f) Managing payment of registration fees and public prices.

g) Training projects in the external academic placement agreements.

h) Surveys on university graduate employment conducted by UdL or by other public authorities with responsibilities for the quality of the university system.

i) Submission of information about University of Lleida.

The data included in administrative documents forming part of the academic transcript will always be retained. The remaining data will be destroyed once the relationship between the data subject and UdL has ended.

La modalidad de pago AGAUR comporta que el estudiante autoriza al AGAUR a amortizar, total o de forma parcial, el préstamo en su nombre, en aquellos casos en que esté justificado para la correcta gestión del instrumento financiero.

La UdL no cederá los datos a terceros, a excepción de los casos estrictamente previstos en la Ley. En el caso que se solicite la modalidad “Pago Agaur”, la UdL podrá ceder los datos al AGAUR y a la entidad financiera correspondiente

- The data provided by the data subject are necessary to fulfil the UdL’s function of preparing for undertaking professional activity and for artistic creation and, in general, to carry out the public service of higher education, as required by Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on universities.

- UdL will not transfer the data to third parties, except in the cases strictly provided for by law.

- When a student is pursuing a joint or a double degree curriculum, national or international data transfers may be made to the university in Spain or in the corresponding country, in accordance with the agreement signed by both institutions.

- You have the right to access your data; to request their rectification, erasure and portability; to object to their processing; and to request a restriction of their processing provided such actions are compatible with the purposes of the registration applied for. To exercise these rights, you will need to send an e-mail to You may also submit a complaint to the Autoritat Catalana de Protecció de Dades (Catalan Data Protection Authority) via its online office ( or by non-digital means.

The University of Lleida’s power to check personal data

The University of Lleida hereby informs you that it has the power to make all necessary checks to verify the accuracy of data required to submit an application for registration.

Pursuant to Article 28.2 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, you have the right to object to this power being exercised, on grounds related to your individual situation, by sending a message to In any event, when exercising this right to object, you will need to provide evidence of the fact that grounds exist to justify doing so. Such evidence will be assessed by the University, and you are under the obligation to provide the documents to whose consultation you object.


Amb la finalitat de protegir tota la informació que en l’execució de les activitats docents es pugui revelar per escrit, de paraula, per imatge o per qualsevol altre mitjà o suport, tangible o intangible, actualment conegut o que possibiliti la tecnologia en el futur, l’estudiant es compromet:

1.A no revelar ni utilitzar fora de l’àmbit de les activitats docents ni publicar cap informació de caràcter confidencial com les imatges de les activitats pràctiques o teòriques desenvolupades. Aquestes imatges confidencials poden ser de tractaments mèdics, quirúrgics, eutanàsies o de qualsevol altra tipologia, o bé dades relatives a informació tècnica, mètodes i idees de treball, productes, procediments, disseny de processos, models de marques, drets de copyright, protocols, contractes, serveis, mètodes de formació, plans de negoci, costos i altres programes d’ordinador.

2. A participar activament en les pràctiques obligatòries programades i a mantenir un comportament digne, participatiu i de col·laboració amb els tutors acadèmics i tutors de les empreses col·laboradores en tots els rotatoris i pràctiques externes tant en hospitals, clíniques, granges, institucions, empreses, escorxadors, etc.

3. A mantenir i respectar les instal·lacions del campus i de granges, clíniques, hospitals o empreses col·laboradores on es desenvolupin les pràctiques o rotatoris.

4. A mantenir respecte als professors, a tot el personal de la Universitat i als treballadors i responsables de les empreses col·laboradores on l’estudiant participa en la seva formació.

L’entitat col·laboradora, si ho considera necessari, pot requerir la formalització d’un acord de confidencialitat complementari, específic per a determinades activitats pràctiques.

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