Jornada de difusió del projecte Erasmus+ Care for Europe

Informació de l'esdeveniment
Auditori del Centre de Cultures / Cappont
Projecte Erasmus+ Care for Europe
Jornada de difusió del projecte Erasmus+ Care for Europe, en què participa la UdL. Benvinguda a càrrec de Montserrat Gea Sánchez, directora general de Professionals de la Salut a Catalunya i professora a la Facultat d’Infermeria i Fisioteràpia de la UdL

09:30-10:00 / Arrival of participants
10:00-10:15 / Welcoming speech. Montserrat Gea Sanchez, Head of Health professionals, Catalonian Government
10:15-11:15 / Presentation of Care for Europe Project by all project managers:

Michael Faure, Regional Institute of Social and Nursing Education of the French Red Cross - Project manager
Erica Briones, University of Lleida – Project manager
Habil Orsolya Máté, University of Pécs – Project manager
Niina Glerean, Laurea University of Applied Sciences - Project manager

11:15-11:30 / Coffee break
11:30-12:50 / Round table: Multiculturalism in clinical nursing practice

Laura Visiers Jímenez and Isabel Baeza Monedero, San Rafael University center of Antonio de Nebrija University
Josep María Gutierrez, University of Lleida- University Hospital Arnau de Vilanova
Ignacio Peña Ruiz y Cristina Arcas, Salud entre culturas-Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid.
13:00-14:15 / Lunch break / Campus Cappont Rooms 0.01, 0.18 and 0.017
14:15-16:30 / Professional workshops on the intellectual outputs of the Care For Europe project project

Film: Viewing and discussion around the film intellectual output of the Care For Europe project. The film aims to promote mobility in nursing education through interviews of students and professionnals.

MOOC: designed to support students in their project of doing a clinical practice abroad. This workshop will be an introduction of the MOOC and results of the piloting phase.
16:30-17:00 / Closure of the event. Anabel Fernández, Professional Nursing College of Lleida.