Bicycles on loan for UdL students in 2008

University Senate votes for its representatives in the Board of Governors

light to an increase of 3.3% in the UdL budget for 2008

students will do internships in European companies

book calls for the need to study and preserve our historical landscape

grants 2.2 million Euros to three leading research groups from the UdL

of CSIC visit ETSEA to promote agrofood research in Lleida

The UdL
will study the impact of immigration in Spain and Senegal

A team in
ETSEA compiles the Lleida Landscape Catalogue

UdL and
UAB start working together in the shared Veterinary Sciences Degree

UdL will
be publicised in Latin America and Asia

campuses will carry out emergency and evacuation drills in 2008

IRBLleida will be financed by the Ministry of Health

in the Faculty of Arts will have access to the batches in Espai Guinovart

Mediterranean Diet slows down the ageing process

Faculty of Arts Library celebrates its 20 years with a blog

The UdL
will teach a Degree in Animal Science and Health and a Degree in Veterinary Science in
collaboration with the UAB

The UdL,
the Ministry of Housing, the Generalitat Government and the Town Council promote the construction
of 150 apartments for university students

Earth will be the protagonist at the UdL Science Week

Tolmos records his CD / DVD “Patio de Luces” live

An Argentinean
scriptwriter wins the 3rd Dark Humour Literary Contest

Board of Governors approves the guideline to develop degree syllabi

invests a German jurist as Doctor Honoris Causa

International specialists describe the
figure and the music of Ricard Viñes in a book coordinated by the UdL

Universitat de Lleida, in China

One of
the best oncologists in the twentieth century was appointed Doctor Honoris Causa at UdL

lecturers from UdL at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Fortress of Vilars recovers its tower-gate

photographic exhibition starts the commemorative acts of the hundredth anniversary of the 1907

Cuban Socio-linguist Humberto López Morales, new Doctor Honoris Causa at UdL

buys a piece of scientific equipment that identifies 200 chemical products in 20 minutes

24th September 2007 · Joan Viñas
and Josep Maria Pujol formed a united front on Friday to demand fewer words and more facts from the
Generalitat government. In the inauguration event of the academic year 2007-2008, both the Rector
and the President of the UdL Social Council asked for a fair, impartial and objective treatment
from the Catalan government if the University of Lleida is to become the agro-alimentary referent
in Catalonia. The official inauguration had the participation of the Algerian doctor and writer
Malika Mokeddem, who gave a speech on her life and works.

20th September 2007 ·The
different UdL centres are expecting more than 150 students from all over the world for this first
term of the 2007/08 academic year. They are students who, thanks to the Erasmus programme and the
University of Lleida’s mobility programmes, can study at the UdL for a term or for the whole year –
and this year there are more of them than in 2006. To all these students must be added 26 with
grants from the Sicue programme, who come from Spanish universities. In total, the UdL is expecting
to welcome about 210 outside students this academic year and to send more than a hundred to foreign

18th september 2007 · The first
signs in the "Pilot scheme for the location and sign posting of the emblematic sites of the Civil
War, Francoist repression and struggle against Franco in the Lleida area" are to be unveiled on
Thursday. They were created between 2005 and 2006 by the History, Documentation and Heritage
Service of the UdL’s Department of History, financed by the Catalan Government’s Ministries of
Institutional Relations and Participation and Universities and Research. They concern Merengue, a
hill on the municipal boundary of Camarasa.

13th september 2007 · The
University of Lleida is taking part in a project that will study the survival of lichens and
microorganisms in space and during their re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere. The experiment
"Lithopanspermia", with the participation of Jacek Wierzchos, researcher and head of the Electron
Microscopy Service at the UdL, will be launched into space tomorrow, 14th September, on a Soyuz
rocket from Baikonur (Kazakhstan), which will carry, among other species, lichens and other
microorganisms that will live under extreme conditions.

12th september 2007 · Malika
Mokeddem, the Algerian writer and doctor, will this year take charge of opening the academic year
at the UdL at an event that will take place on 21st September, at 12 noon, in the Rectorate’s
Function Room. Mokedemm, born in the heart of the Algerian desert (Kednasa, 1949), will give the
lecture: Malika Mokeddem: à part, entière (Malika Mokeddem, from reality to fiction), a journey
through her life and work from the perspective of commitment.

10th september 2007 · In order
to fix the main policy lines that will mark the management of the UdL over the academic year
currently beginning, the Rector, Joan Viñas, and his team met on the 6th and 7th at Les Avellanes.
The aims of the meeting were to establish the priority actions for the UdL which the team, together
with the Management Board, should carry out during 2007/08. The actions to be undertaken fall into
three central areas: teaching, research and management.

7th september 2007 · The UdL’s
International Co-operation Centre, as a member of the Co-operation and Solidarity Committee of the
Vives Network of Universities, is helping with the organisation of the first university work camps
in Algeria, as part of the Algeria Universities Programme begun this year by the Vives Network,
which brings together Catalan-speaking universities. Students interested in taking part can contact
the UdL’s International Co-operation Centre until 28th September.

Audiovisual communication
opens a studio and mobile unit

28th August 2007 · The Department of Innovation, Universities and Companies of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government) has awarded the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering of the University of Lleida, for the quality of teaching practiced within their institution, with one of the Jaume Vicens Vives distinctions. They have been awarded this distinction for their work on a project of innovation and quality of teaching based on the introduction of a teaching model based on aptitude. The presentation of these distinctions will take place on 14th September at the Rovira i Virgili University, during the Catalan University system academic year opening ceremony over which the president of the Catalan Government, José Montilla, will preside.

A book by Frederic Vilà analyses the contributions of Catalan architects
to the History of Art

First end of degree project in English at the Polytechnic

The UdL has “made official” the petitions for the Faculty of Medicine

The Commissioner announces 2.5 million euros more to “fortify research”
at the UdL

Students on the Postgraduate Degree
in Agro-food Law are to do work experience at Prodeca and Mercolleida

SIED offers free Internet courses
for women

Inauguration of the 15th Edition of
the Summer University

The UdL will devote close to 70,000
euros to cooperation for development

The Advanced Polytechnic School and
companies from the PCiTAL offer courses in the most up-to-date and on-demand technologies

Recovery of the north gate of the
Iberian collection of the Vilars

A research project by investigators
from the UdL, cover piece for one of the first biomedical magazines in the world

Thirty “good practices” in favour of
rural women

Joan Viñas asks the Government to take
commitments to the UdL

PCiTAL will reserve part of the
business incubator to firms promoted by the UdL

16th may 2007 · Lleida at War: the Ramon Rius Collection is the title of the exhibition of photographs that can be visited at Centre de Cultures i Cooperació Transfronterera from today and until the 15th June 2007. This collection was first shown at the Wellesley College - Massachusetts in Boston and presents around forty photographs of Lleida during the revolution and the Civil War, most of which had never been exhibited in Spain before.

The climatic change opens the 15th
edition of the UdL Summer University

Lleida hosts the 12th Exhibition of
University Drama

Joan Viñas is re-elected UdL Rector for
the next four years
9th may 2007 · The Professor in
Surgery Joan Viñas, present Rector and sole candidate in the past elections, was provisionally
proclaimed new UdL Rector for the next four years. Viñas obtained the support of 68.75% of the
votes issued, against a 31.25% of blank votes. There was an abstention of 89% and students were the
group who less attended the ballots; only three in every 100 students voted.

UdL inaugurates the new Faculty of
Education in September

First monographic book about the
initiator of Renaissance painting in Spain

The International Graphic Humour
Contest "Humour and Health" celebrates its third edition
UdL prepares to lend bicycles to
students next year

Fifty students participate in the 3rd
Mobility Conference

A new unit will watch over the
integration of physically handicapped people

UdL starts developing a plan for equal
opportunities between men and women

UdL will offer eighteen Master degrees
next year

More than 1,200 high-school students
visit UdL during the 14th Open Campus Day

The University Student Service
receives more than 10,000 queries every year

UdL collects more than 100 kilos of
food for the Saharan people

The skeleton of a pregnant woman, the
latest surprise at Minferri

The UdL, awarded with 50,000
dollars to internationalize free software